Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Talking in his sleep

My baby Travis has a thing for talking in his sleep. He does this almost on a weekly basis and possibly more. The first time it happened was while we were in Philippines. I woke up at 3 AM to use the bathroom and I heard him going “babababa” and giggling. I figured, “wow he’s awake early, maybe he’s hungry.” When I looked over though he was fast asleep! 
Another funny talking in his sleep moment was a few weeks ago when we returned to the US. I was still awake battling jetlag and chatting with Joseph when I heard him going “jejejeje” (his way of saying JJ) and then he went “dadada” and he was smiling and giggling. I’m assuming he was dreaming about playing with JJ and his dad.

Left lateral incisor

Another tooth has popped out! Travis’s left lateral incisor. The top 4 ones aren’t even done growing out, although it has popped out from his gums. My baby Travis is getting all his teeth at the same time! 

I Confess

Almost everyday I go on my FB and look at Travis’s photos from when he was a newborn. 
Sigh I miss holding him when he was that tiny. Even though he woke up every 2 hours and it took him forever to get back to bed, I would do anything right now go back to those days and re-live it again. 
I’m feeling a mixture of emotions at the moment. I’m happy yet a bit sad and nostalgic at the same time. In two days my baby Travis will be 9 months old. Every 7th day of the month I wake up and always think the same thing, “What happened to all the time? Why is time going by so fast?” 
I know that July will be a fast month and before I know it I will have a ten month old and ultimately a 1 year old. They weren’t kidding when they said that the first year goes by fast even though during his newborn days I thought the sleepless nights and days were going to last forever. I remember thinking, “I can’t wait for the day when he can finally sleep through the night.” I look back now and I regret it as silly as it may sound since him being able to sleep through the night meant that he was getting bigger.
I can’t believe my baby will be nine months soon and in three short months he will be a year old…

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Playing outside this past Saturday

How we spent our Saturday afternoon. Travis was getting a bit bored in the house so I put his little exersaucer out in the backyard to enjoy the nice, cool wind, and sunny California weather. He was lovin' it!

JJ & Travis will be the best of friends someday.

Haven't been on here

Only because I've been busy blogging over at Tumblr!

Anyway, here's an update of all the silly things that my little prince has been doing:
  • Become fascinated with the carpet. He kept running his hands through it the whole time we were at my uncle's house in San Diego
  • Managed to crawl his way to his diaper bag from the blanket
  • Threw his snail toy at my mom while she was lying down in the blanket with him
  • Slammed his hand held music toy in my arm while I was dozing off next to him.
  • Kept pressing his face up against the netting on his playpen. It kind of contorted his face and he looked funny doing it.
  • Attempt to eat the dog's foot when I wasn't looking.
He is getting very very mobile now. I think it's time to invest in one of those baby gates that enclose the whole living room.

Oh and if any of your dear ladies have a Tumblr, follow me on there (only because I've had that Tumblr since 2009 & I tend to write more there). Here's the link:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


My baby Travis is crawling! I can’t believe it! I was on the laptop deleting email messages and then he started crawling right towards the laptop! The laptop seems to be his motivation because for the past month, he’s been trying to eat it and he’s fascinated with pressing the keys and what not.
Looks like I’m going to have a busy bee in my hands! I can’t believe he is so mobile now. Time to start baby proofing! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Time to start planning!

Only 4 more months till my baby Travis turns 1! This means it’s time to start buying and planning all the things needed for his birthday party. As I’ve mentioned before, he’s having a carnival themed birthday party. I’ve set aside a budget and I’m HOPING that we stay within the budget and under budget if we can! So far I’ve bought the following:
  • Customized banner and customized magnets (for party favors) - $50 (Yay for it being cheaper here in Philippines)
  • Loot bags, party hats, and little toys that are going inside - $30
  • Toys for the pabitin (a traditional Filipino game often played in children’s parties) - $30 (I still need to purchase more actually)
My estimates for the following: 
  • Venue - $0 since my parents graciously offered to let us use their house. It’s perfect since they have a huge backyard. I’m thinking of giving them compensation though since we will be using electricity (a lot of it actually).
  • Food - $300 to $500. It’s a mixture of us cooking and some of it being catered. I have yet to sit down to make an actual menu, but I’m safely assuming that it’ll be around this range. 
  • Cake - $50 to $100
  • Decor - $50 to $100 
  • Invitations - $20 
  • Bounce house - $100 to $150
  • Concession stands such as a cotton candy station, snow cone station, or popcorn station (I plan to do 2) - $100 to $150
  • Prizes for games - $20 to $50
  • Games - $50 to $100 (Hoping I can find a place to rent these from)
  • Clown - need to call
  • Face painting - need to call
Did I leave anything out?!
I’m super super excited!